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Stock Trial Exhibits.  High Quality, Reusable Medical Exhibits for Less!

Stock Trial Exhibits is the #1 online provider of high quality, cost effective medical exhibits for all types of personal injury and medical malpractice cases.

StockTrialExhibits.com was created out of the growing demand in the marketplace for an online resource to provide High Quality, Reusable Trial Exhibits for personal injury and medical malpractice cases.

Our medically accurate, clear, concise trial exhibits can be used in settlement demand letters, settlement negotiations, mediations, video depositions and trial presentation. Trial exhibits are often used as case specific demonstrative evidence in personal injury, medical malpractice and wrongful death cases.

Browse our growing collection of clear, concise and medically accurate exhibits showing normal anatomy, common injuries, surgical procedures and postoperative conditions. Purchase digital exhibits quickly and easily, for immediate download to your mobile device, tablet or laptop to use in your demand package, mediation or trial presentation.

Download digital trial exhibits instantly from our website for your presentation to show anatomy, common surgical procedure or injuries and make a significant difference in the outcome of your case - using clear, concise stock medical illustrations, that are medically accurate and ready to use.

The fact is, most people are visual learners -  Over 75% - People need to see a visual aid such as a trial exhibit to help them to understand and remember the facts of a case. Whether your case involves a personal injury or medical malpractice matter, trial exhibits are vitally important to help show what happened to your client and present your case in a manner that is easy to understand. Trial exhibits can be helpful visual aids and are often utilized in every personal injury or medical malpractice case, to maximize that case's value and get the best outcome for your client.

Stock medical exhibits from Stock Trial Exhibits can show normal anatomy to orient the viewer, or these trial exhibits can help to explain human anatomy and show the contrast to a traumatic injury or serious medical mistake. Normal anatomy trial exhibits can help show the viewer your client's condition as normal, before an accident or injury. These exhibits can educate the viewer on the medical terms that describe the anatomy and also familiarize the viewer with the area of anatomy involved in your client's case and give them a foundation of understanding. These anatomically accurate stock medical illustrations can be reused in other similar cases saving you time and money.

Stock medical exhibits can also show how a medical condition or a traumatic injury looks and orient the viewer to that area of the human body involved. These trial exhibits can show all types of injuries common to personal injury and medical malpractice cases. Everything from bone fractures and disc herniations to crush injuries and medical mistakes. Trial exhibits used as visual aids are an important part of your arsenal as an attorney and should always be used if you are serious about maximizing the damages award for your client. Stock trial exhibits allow you to get the benefits of trial exhibits at a lower cost when you need effective visual aids on a limited budget.

Stocktrialexhibits.com is a new division of MedLegalVisuals, a medical legal illustration and trial graphics company located in New York City specializing in the creation of case specific trial exhibits used as demonstrative evidence for litigation support in all types of personal injury, medical malpractice, wrongful death cases, as well as product and premise liability cases.

For more than 20 years, attorneys nationwide have successfully utilized MedLegalVisuals for medical trial exhibits used in plaintiff demand letters, arbitration, mediation, settlement conferences, negotiations, medical expert depositions and trial presentation. The team at MedLegalVisuals consists of medical art directors and board certified medical illustrators that have the medical knowledge and extensive experience needed to handle your case, working alongside medical experts in various specialties and trial attorneys across the nation over the years to create highly effective medical trial exhibits with the most visual impact. 

Stock Trial Exhibits now provides a new option for trial attorneys, giving them instant access to high quality re-usable trial exhibits that have been successfully utilized in recent years by trial attorneys nationwide and other medical exhibits that have been specifically created to be used as stock trial exhibits or stock medical exhibits.

Stock medical exhibits can be ordered directly online and downloaded instantly as a digital file to use right away or you can have trial-sized medical exhibits shipped right to your office or home. You can even purchase medical exhibits right from your smartphone or mobile device when your on the go!

Please browse our growing online catalog of trial exhibits showing everything from general anatomy or common injuries to surgical procedures and medical conditions. Stock trial exhibits are a great resource when you need effective visual aids on a limited budget.

Stock trial exhibits can be reused as needed in similar cases, saving you time and money. These trial exhibits have consistently maximized the value of personal injury and medical malpractice cases of all types and can make a significant difference in the outcome of your next case for your clients.