MedLegal Visuals - Maximize the Value of any Injury Case with Custom Medical Legal Illustrations November 16 2020

MedLegal Visuals has created trial exhibits showing every type of injury and surgery imaginable which have resulted in multi-million dollar settlements and jury awards for clients nationwide. Getting started on effective medical legal visuals trial exhibits for your next case begins with a FREE Case Review, Proposal and Price Quote.
First download our FREE Trial Exhibit Checklist and then email or send us your case related materials. To discuss an upcoming case with Medical Legal Visuals, please call today: 1-877-789-4200. ou can send all of your case related materials to their office for a free review, proposal and price quote and learn how medical legal exhibits and medical legal illustrations from MedLegalVisuals with help your next injury case.
The medical illustrators at MedLegal Visuals have many years of experience in creating medical illustration specifically for legal cases. Created directly from your client's medical records and diagnostic films, these case specific medical legal illustrations are used for personal injury cases in both settlement negotiations and trial presentation.
Learn how to get started on medical legal exhibits and medical legal illustrations by visiting their website here to get started with the only company specializing in medical legal exhibits located in New York City - MedLegal Visuals.
Call us today to discuss an upcoming case. Special Discounts available for New Clients in New York who are also NYSTLA members.