Stock Trial Exhibits
All items
3 views of the spine
Acceleration Brain Injury
ACDF animation
ACDF Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion trial exhibits
acdf courtroom graphic
ACDF exhibit
ACDF Medical Exhibit
ACDF stock exhibit
ACDF Stock Trial Exhibit
ACDF trial exhibit
acetabular cup
Achilles Tear Right
achilles tear right ankle
achilles tear stock medical exhibit
achilles tear stock medical illustration
achilles tear trial exhibit
Achilles Tendon Anatomy
Achilles tendon injury
Achilles Tendon rupture
Achilles tendon tear
achilles tendon tear stock medical illustration
Achilles Tendon Tear Trial Exhibit
all types of patellar fractures
anatomy and functions of brain
anatomy and functions of brain exhibit
anatomy and functions of brain trial exhibit
anatomy of ankle
anatomy of ankle bones
anatomy of foot and ankle
anatomy of lumbar spine anterior
anatomy of the brain
anatomy of the brain trial exhibit
anatomy of the spine
anatomy of the spine medical exhibit
anatomy of the spine trial exhibit
ankle achilles tendon tear
ankle anatomy
ankle anatomy for comparison to injury
ankle anatomy illustration
ankle anatomy legal exhibit
ankle anatomy medical exhibit
ankle anatomy medical illustration
ankle anatomy medical legal illustration
ankle anatomy medical legal trial exhibit
ankle bones
ankle bones anatomy
ankle bones anterior view
ankle bones normal
ankle bones right side
ankle bony anatomy
ankle foot anatomy
ankle fracture
ankle fracture comparison
ankle fracture cost effective medical exhibit
ankle fracture demand package
ankle fracture exhibit
ankle fracture illustration
ankle fracture injury
ankle fracture injury medical exhibit
ankle fracture medical exhibit
ankle fracture trial exhibit
ankle injury medical illustration
ankle trial exhibit
anterior cervical
anterior cervical anatomy
anterior cervical discectomy and fusion
Anterior Cervical Discectomy legal graphic
anterior cervical fusion
Anterior Discectomy & Fusion C4-5
Anterior Hip Anatomy
anterior lumbar spine
anterior lumbar spine anatomy
anterior spine
arthritic hip joint
axial view
axial view of spine
axonal brain injury visual
axonal injuries
Axonal Injuries of the Brain
axonal injuries stock exhibit
axonal injuries stock medical illustration
axonal injury
axonal injury stock trial exhibit
axonal shearing
axonal stretching and pulling
Axonal tear
axons injury
Back pain
back pain injections
back pain management
Back pain management injections
back pain management stock medical illustration
back pain management trial exhibit
back pain trigger point injections
Back pain trigger points
Back trigger points
bariatric surgery
best brain anatomy exhibit
bilateral lumbar radiculopathy
bilateral radiculopathy
Bilateral Radiculopathy Stock Exhibit
bones of ankle
bones of ankle normal anatomy
bones of foot ankle
bony anatomy of ankle
bony anatomy of ankle exhibit
bony anatomy of right ankle
bony ankle
brain anatomy
brain anatomy and functions
brain anatomy and functions illustration
Brain anatomy and functions medical exhibit
brain anatomy exhibit
brain anatomy exhibit for trial
brain anatomy exhibits
brain anatomy illustration
brain anatomy medical exhibit
brain anatomy medical illustration
brain anatomy or injury visuals
Brain anatomy stock exhibit
brain anatomy stock medical illustration
brain anatomy TBI
brain anatomy trial exhibit
brain anatomy visual
brain anatomy visuals
brain anatomy vs tbi
Brain Axonal Injuries
brain contusions
brain contusions stock medical illustrations
Brain Damage
brain diagram
brain exhibit
brain exhibits
brain functions
brain functions image
brain functions medical exhibit
brain functions medical illustration
brain functions medical legal exhibit
brain functions medical legal illustration
brain functions stock medical illustration
brain functions trial exhibit
brain illustration
brain illustration exhibit
brain image
Brain Injuries
brain injuries TBI
brain injury
brain injury exhibit
brain injury exhibits
brain injury for legal cases
Brain Injury Hydrocephalus
brain injury medical exhibit
brain injury medical illustration
brain injury medical legal exhibit
brain injury stock exhibit
brain injury stock medical exhibit
brain injury trial exhibit
brain injury trial exhibits
brain injury visual
brain injury visuals
Brain lateral view
brain legal exhibit
Brain Lobes
brain lobes illustration
brain lobes stock exhibit
brain medical exhibit
brain medical exhibits
brain medical illustration
brain medical legal exhibit
brain medical legal illustration
Brain superior view
brain trauma
brain trial exhibit
brain trial exhibits
brain truma
broad based bulge
broad based central disc bulge
broad based cervical disc bulge
broad based disc bulge vs herniation
broad based disc herniation
broad bulge
broad disc bulge
bulging disc
bulging disc exhibit
burst fracture
bypass surgery
C3-4 fusion
C3-C4 anterior cervical fusion
C3-C4 bone graft
C3-C4 Cervical Fusion
C3-C4 Disc Bulge
C3-C4 Hardware
C3-C4 plate and screws
C4-C5 anterior discectomy with fusion
C4-C5 disc bulge
C4-C5 Discectomy and Fusion
C5-C6 ACDF Anterior Cervical Discectomy
C5-C6 ACDF Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion
C5-C6 ACDF Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion medical exhibit
C5-C6 ACDF Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion trial exhibit
C5-C6 ACDF Anterior Cervical Discectomy trial exhibit
C5-C6 ACDF stock exhibit
C5-C6 ACDF trial exhibit
C5-C6 disc bulge
c5-c6 herniation pain
C6-7 fusion trial exhibit
C6-C7 Disc Bulge
central disc bulge
central disc herniation
Central disc protrusion
cervical anatomy
cervical anatomy anterior
cervical anatomy anterior view
cervical anatomy C3
cervical anatomy stock exhibit
cervical bulge
cervical bulge medical exhibit
cervical bulge medical illustration
cervical bulge stock exhibit
cervical bulge stock medical illustration
cervical disc anatomy
cervical disc bulge
Cervical disc bulge injury
cervical disc bulge medical exhibit
Cervical disc bulge stock exhibit
cervical disc bulge trial exhibit
Cervical Disc Bulges
cervical disc herniation
Cervical Disc Herniation Stock Exhibit
cervical disc injuries
cervical disc injury
cervical disc injury exhibit
cervical disc protrusion
cervical disc reusable exhibit
cervical disc stock exhibit
cervical discectomy and fusion
cervical discectomy and fusion at C5-C6
cervical disk bulge
Cervical Disk Herniation
cervical fusion
cervical fusion with plate and screws
cervical hardware
cervical herniation
cervical herniation exhibit
cervical herniation injury
Cervical herniation medical exhibit
cervical herniation stock medical illustration
cervical injuries
cervical injuries of spine
cervical injury
cervical injury exhibit
cervical injury medical illustration
cervical injury trial exhibit
cervical nerve pain
cervical pain management
cervical plate and screws
cervical radiculopathy
cervical radiculopathy injury
Cervical Radiculopathy stock exhibit
cervical spinal disc herniation
cervical spine
cervical spine anatomy
cervical spine disc injuries
cervical spine injury
cervical spine stock exhibit
cervical stock exhibit
cervical trigger point injections
cervical trigger points
chance fracture
Classification Garden Hip Fractures
classification of patellar fractures
complete rupture of Achilles Tendon
complete tear of Achilles tendon
compression fracture
compression fracture exhibit
compression fracture injury
compression fracture medical exhibit
compression fracture medical illustration
compression fracture medical legal illustration
compression fracture of L1
contusions of brain
cost effective brain medical exhibit
cost effective courtroom graphics
cost effective medical exhibit
cost effective medical exhibit elbow
cost effective medical exhibit ny
Cost effective Medical Exhibits
cost effective surgery exhibit
cost effective trial exhibit
cost effective trial exhibits
coup contrecoup
coup contrecoup trial exhibit
coup contrecoupe
courtroom graphics
Diffuse axonal injury
diffuse axonal injury trial exhibit
Diffuse brain damage
diffuse brain damage injury
diffuse brain injury
Diffuse Brain Injury Trial Exhibit
digital exhibit of brain
digital medical exhibit
Digital Trial Exhibit
digital trial exhibit on ipad
disc bulge
disc bulge exhibit
disc bulge medical illustration
disc herniation
disc herniation medical illustration
disc osteophyte complex
disc protrusion
disk bulge
disk prolapse
disk protrusion
distal fibula
distal fibular fracture
distal radius
distal radius fracture
distal tibia
epidural injection
epidural injection exhibit
Epidural Spine Injection
Exhibits for NYSTLA
eye anatomy
eye illustration
eye image
eye injury
eye medical illustration
eyes anatomy
facet joint
Facet joint injection
female epidural injection
femoral fracture
femoral head
femoral head fracture
femoral head fractures
femoral neck
femoral neck fracture
femoral neck fractures
femoral neck hip fracture
femoral prosthesis
femoral stem
femur fracture
femur fracture exhibit
femur fracture stock medical illustration
femur fracture types
Femur Fractures
Femur fractures medical exhibit
femur fractures stock exhibit
femur fractures trial exhibit
fibula fracture
fibula fracture stock medical illustration
fibular fracture
fibular fracture illustration
fibular fracture of the left ankle stock exhibit
fibular fracture of the left ankle stock medical illustration
fibular fracture right ankle trial exhibit
fibular fracture stock exhibit
fibular fracture stock medical illustration
fibular muscles
foot ankle bones
foot bones
fracture injuries of femur
fracture injury
fracture injury of L1 vertebrae
fracture medical illustration
fracture of fibula
fracture of lateral malleolus
fracture of left fibula
fracture of left fibula stock medical illustration
fracture of patella
fracture of right wrist
fractured fibula
Frontal lobe
Functions of brain
functions of the brain
functions of the brain trial exhibit
Garden Classification
garden classification fractures
Garden Classification Hip Fractures
Garden Classification Medical Exhibit
Garden Classification of Femoral Neck Fractures
garden classification of hip fractures
Garden Classification Trial Exhibit
Garden Classification Types of Hip Fractures
Garden Fractures
Gastric Bypass
Gastric Bypass Exhibit
Gastric Bypass of stomach
Gastric bypass stock exhibit
Gastric bypass stomach
gastric bypass stomach surgery
gastric bypass surgery
Gastric surgery
general anatomy brain
general anatomy brain illustration
general anatomy of brain exhibit
Head & neck
head and brain
head and neck
head concussion
head injury
head injury exhibit
head injury trial exhibit
head trauma
Hemorrhagic contusions of brain
herniation with impingement
hip arthroplasty
hip fracture
hip fracture injury
hip fracture medical illustration
hip fracture of femur
hip fracture trial exhibit
Hip Fracture Types
hip fractures
hip fractures garden classification
Hip Fractures Garden Classification exhibit
Hip Fractures medical exhibit
hip injury
hip osteoarthritis
hip osteoarthritis trial exhibit
hip osteoartritis
hip replacement
hip replacement medical exhibit
hip replacement medical illustration
hip replacement surgery
Hydrocephalus head injury
illustration brain
injured wrist
injury of the left wrist
intertrochanteric femur fracture
intertrochanteric fracture
Intertrochanteric Fracture of the Right Hip
intertrochanteric left hip fracture
intervertebral disc
knee fracture
knee fracture types
knee injuries
knee injury
knee patella
knee patella fracture
L1 compression fracture
L1 compression fracture medical exhibit
L1 Compression fracture stock exhibit
L1 compression fracture trial exhibit
L1 Fracture
L1 fracture injury
L1 Fracture trial exhibit
L1 spine fracture
L1 vertebrae fracture
L1 vertebral fracture
L1 vertebral fracture medical exhibit
L4-5 epidural injection
L4-5 steroid injection
L4-L5 injection
L4-L5 pain management
L5-S1 Back Pain
L5-S1 Back Pain management
L5-S1 Epidural Injection
L5-S1 Epidural Injection of Lumbar Spine
L5-S1 Lumbar Epidural Injection
L5-S1 Pain management
L5-S1 Steroid Injection
lateral malleolar fracture
lateral malleolus
lateral malleolus fracture
lateral malleolus fracture of left ankle
lateral view of lumbar spine
left Achilles tear
left ankle
left ankle anatomy
left ankle anatomy legal exhibit
left ankle bones
left ankle bony anatomy
left ankle fracture
left ankle injury
left cervical radiculopathy
left eye
left fibular fracture
left hip
left hip anatomy
left hip arthroplasty
left hip arthroplasty exhibit
left hip fracture
left hip injury
left hip osteoarthritis
left hip prosthesis
left hip replacement
left intertrochanteric fracture
left intertrochanteric hip fracture
left lumbar radiculopathy
left pelvic fracture
left radiculopathy
Left side cervical radiculopathy
left side radiculopathy
left sided radiculopathy
left total hip replacement
Left Total Hip Replacement Medical Exhibit
left wrist
left wrist fracture
left wrist fracture trial exhibit
left wrist injury
left-sided cervical radiculopathy
legal graphics
legal medical exhibit
legal medical exhibits
legal medical exhibits for attorneys
legal medical exhibits for trial
legal medical illustration
legal medical visuals
legal medical visuals trial
legal visuals
Lobes of Brain
lobes of brain anatomy
lobes of brain exhibit
Lobes of the Brain
lobes of the brain art
lobes of the brain exhibit
lobes of the brain stock exhibit
low back pain
lower back
lower body
lower leg
lower leg muscles
lower limb
lumbar anatomy
lumbar bulge
lumbar bulge stock exhibit
Lumbar compression fracture
lumbar disc
lumbar disc anatomy
lumbar disc anatomy trial exhibit
lumbar disc bulge
lumbar disc bulge injury
lumbar disc herniation
lumbar disc herniation medical illustration
lumbar disc pain
lumbar disc protrusion
lumbar epidural injection
lumbar epidural injection L4-L5 exhibit
lumbar epidural injection L5-S1
Lumbar facet joint injection
lumbar fracture injuries
lumbar herniation
lumbar herniation exhibit
lumbar injury
lumbar pain management
lumbar radiculopathy
lumbar radiculopathy right side
lumbar spinal disc
lumbar spine
lumbar spine anatomy
lumbar spine disc bulge
lumbar spine epidural injection
Lumbar spine fracture
lumbar spine herniation
lumbar spine injuries
lumbar spine injury
lumbar spine pain
lumbar spine pain management
lumbar spine posterior view
lumbar spine surgery
lumbar trigger point injections
lumbar vertebrae
Med Mal Stomach Surgery
medial malleolus
medial malleolus bone
medial malleolus fracture stock medical illustrations
medical exhibit
medical exhibit disc bulge
medical exhibit for purchase
Medical Exhibit New York City
medical exhibits
medical exhibits for trial
Medical Exhibits New York
medical exhibits of the brain
medical illustration
medical illustration brain
medical illustration brain anatomy
medical illustration brain anatomy and functions
medical illustration brain functions
medical illustration for trial
medical illustration hip replacement
medical illustration of eye
medical illustration of lumbar disc herniation
medical illustration of steroid injection
medical illustrations
medical legal
medical legal art
medical legal exhibit
medical legal exhibits
medical legal graphic
medical legal illustration
medical legal illustration of brain
medical legal illustrations
medical legal illustrations florida
medical legal illustrator
medical legal trial exhibits
medical legal visuals
medical malpractice
medical meniscus injury
medical trial exhibit
medical visuals
medlegal visuals
multiple trigger point injections for back pain
New York Medical Exhibits
new york trial exhibit
new york trial exhibits
normal anatomy
normal anatomy lumbar spine
normal anatomy medical illustration
normal ankle
normal ankle anatomy
normal ankle anatomy medical exhibit
normal ankle anatomy trial exhibit
normal brain anatomy
normal brain anatomy trial exhibit
normal brain functions
normal cervical anatomy
normal cervical disc
normal cervical spine
normal eye anatomy
normal functions of brain
normal functions of brain trial exhibit
normal functions of the brain
normal left ankle
normal left wrist anatomy
normal lumbar anatomy
normal lumbar disc
Normal stomach
normal stomach vs gastric bypass
normal stomach vs roux en y
normal vs disc herniation
normal vs gastric bypass
Normal vs gastric bypass surgery
normal vs herniation
normal vs lumbar disc herniation
normal vs roux en y
Normal vs. Cervical Disc Herniation
normal wrist
nyc trial exhibit
obese surgery
obesity surgery
Occipital lobe
orlando medical illustration
Orthopedic injury
Orthopedic medical exhibit
Orthopedic medical illustration
Orthopedic trial exhibit
Orthopedic trial exhibits
osteoarthritis of femoral head
osteoarthritis of left hip
osteoarthritis of right hip
osteophytes of hip joint
pain management exhibit
pain management injections
Parietal lobe
patella fracture
patella fracture types
patella fractures
patella injury
pelvic fracture
pelvis fracture
pelvis fractures
personal injury
personal injury exhibit
posterior lumbar spine
posterior lumbar spine anatomy
posterior spine
posterior spine anatomy
Posterior View of Lumbar Spine
Postop Roux EN Y
postoperative roux en y
postoperative Roux En Y stomach
preoperative stomach
printed large format exhibit
printed medium format trial exhibit
radial fracture
radial fracture exhibit
radiculopathy cervical
radiculopathy exhibit
radiculopathy injury
radiculopathy medical exhibit
radiculopathy medical illustration
radius fracture
reusable exhibit
reusable medical exhibit
reusable medical illustration
reusable medical trial exhibit
reusable trial exhibit
Right Achilles Tendon Tear
right ankle
Right Ankle Achilles Tendon Tear
right ankle anatomy
right ankle anatomy trial exhibit
right ankle fibular fracture
right ankle fracture
right ankle fracture injury
Right Ankle Fracture of the medial malleolus
right ankle fracture stock medical illustration
right cervical radiculopathy
right cervical radiculopathy stock exhibit
right eye
right eye anatomy
right femoral neck fracture
right femur fracture
right femur fracture of hip
right fibula bone
right fibula fracture
right fibular fracture
right foot
right hip arthroplasty
right hip cartilage
right hip fracture
right hip fracture injury
right hip injury
right hip osteoarthritis
right hip prosthesis
right hip replacement
right intertrochanteric hip fracture
right pelvic fracture
Right pelvis fracture
right radiculopathy
Right side radiculopathy
right sided cervical radiculopathy
right total hip prosthesis
right wrist fracture
right wrist fracture stock trial exhibit
right wrist injury
right-sided cervical radiculopathy
right-sided cervical radiculopathy male
right-sided lumbar radiculopathy
Roux En Y
Roux En Y exhibit
Roux En Y Gastric Bypass
Roux En Y Gastric Bypass of Stomach
Roux En Y Gastric Bypass Stock Exhibit
Roux En Y Gastric procedure
Roux En Y illustration
Roux En Y Medical Exhibit
Roux En Y Medical Illustration
Roux En Y procedure
Roux En Y Surgery
Roux En Y trial exhibit
Roux surgery
Rupture of Right Achilles Tendon
sagittal anatomy cervical spine
sagittal cervical anatomy
skull fracture exhibit
skull fracture stock medical illustrations
skull fracture trial exhibit
smith fracture
spinal anatomy
spinal bulge
spinal fracture
spine anatomy
spine anatomy anterior
spine anatomy exhibit
spine anatomy medical exhibit
spine anatomy medical illustration
spine anatomy sagittal
spine anatomy trial exhibit
spine anatomy views
spine anatomy with labels
spine illustration
spine medical illustration
standard patellar fractures
step off fracture
step off fractures
steroid injection
steroid injection L5-S1
steroid injection trial exhibit
stock anatomy exhibit
stock brain anatomy exhibit
stock brain anatomy illustration
stock brain injury exhibit
Stock courtroom graphics
stock disc bulge
stock exhibit
stock exhibit brain contusions
stock exhibit of brain
stock exhibits
stock legal exhibits
Stock legal graphics
stock medical exhibit
stock medical exhibit ankle fracture
stock medical exhibit axonal injury
stock medical exhibits
stock medical illustration
stock medical illustration achilles tear
stock medical illustration achilles tendon
stock medical illustration ankle
stock medical illustration axonal injury
stock medical illustration brain contusions
stock medical illustration disc bulge
stock medical illustration disc bulge trial exhibit
stock medical illustration exhibit
stock medical illustration fibula fracture
stock medical illustration fibular fracture right ankle
stock medical illustration herniation
stock medical illustration hip replacement
stock medical illustration of brain
stock medical illustration of the brain
stock medical illustration trigger point
stock medical illustrations
stock medical illustrations for trial
stock medical illustrations fracture injury
stock medical image
stock medical legal illustration exhibit
stock medical legal illustrations
stock trial exhibit
stock trial exhibit ACDF
stock trial exhibits
stomach anatomy
Stomach bypass Roux En Y
stomach bypass surgery
Stomach surgery
subdural hematoma
subdural hematomas
subtrocantric fracture
Subtrochanteric fracture
T12-L1 medical illustration
talus bone
tbi exhibit
TBI exhibits
TBI injury
TBI medical illustrations
tbi settlement
TBI vs normal anatomy of the brain
tear of Achilles Tendon
tear of achilles tendon stock medical illustration
Temporal lobe
thoracic fracture
Thoracic pain
thoracic spine
Thoracic Spine Fracture
thoracic spine fractures
Thoracic spine trigger point injections
thoracic trigger point injections
thoracolumnar fracture
THR exhibit
tibia fibula
torn achilles tendon stock medical illustration
total hip arthroplasty
total hip arthroplasty medical exhibit
Total hip arthroplasty medical legal exhibit
total hip prosthesis
total hip replacement
total hip replacement medical exhibit
total hip replacement visuals
total knee replacement
total left hip arthroplasty
total left hip replaceent
total left hip replacement
transverse patellar fracture
traumatic brain
traumatic brain hemorrhage
traumatic brain injury
traumatic brain injury exhibit
Traumatic Brain Injury Exhibits
traumatic brain injury illustration
traumatic brain injury medical legal exhibits
traumatic brain injury trial exhibit
traumatic diffuse brain injury
traumatic head injury
traumatic head injury exhibit
traumatic hip injury
trial exhibit
trial exhibit achilles tendon tear
trial exhibit ankle anatomy
trial exhibit axonal injury
trial exhibit brain contusions
Trial Exhibit California
trial exhibit cervical disc bulge
trial exhibit disc bulge
Trial Exhibit Florida
Trial Exhibit New York
Trial Exhibit New York City
trial exhibit nys
trial exhibit of brain anatomy functions
trial exhibit total hip replacement
trial exhibit trigger point injections
trial exhibits
trial exhibits anatomy of ankle
trial exhibits ankle
trigger point
Trigger point Injection Sites
trigger point injections
trigger point injections for pain
trigger point injections stock medical illustrations
trigger points
types of axonal injuries
Types of Axonal Injuries Stock Exhibit
types of hip fractures
Types of Patella Fractures
ulna fracture
ulnar fracture
upper body
upper leg
upper thigh
ventricles of brain
vertebrae fracture
vertebral compression fracture
Vertebral fracture
vertebral fracture trial exhibit
vertebral spine injuries
vertical patellar fracture
weight loss surgery
worn articular cartilage of hip
wrist anatomy
wrist fracture
wrist fracture medical illustration
wrist fracture trial exhibit
wrist swelling
Please click on any of the Stock Trial Exhibits below to enlarge. View our growing collection of medically accurate, clear, concise stock medical illustrations and exhibits.