
Anatomy Stock Images from - The #1 Online Provider of Anatomy Images for Attorneys and Medical Professionals June 25 2021

Anatomy Stock Images from - The #1 Online Provider of Anatomy Images for Attorneys and Medical Professionals. 

Purchase digital stock images quickly and easily, for immediate download to your mobile device, tablet or laptop.

As an attorney, you can use anatomy stock images in your demand package, mediation or trial presentation. Medical professionals can use these stock images in medical presentations or patient education purposes.

Neck Whiplash Anatomy - Trial Exhibits for Personal Injury Cases March 21 2019

Neck Whiplash Anatomy - Trial Exhibits for Personal Injury Cases from is available for purchase in multiple sizes for settlement, mediation, or trial presentation purposes, in both digital and printed formats. The trial exhibit depicts neck whiplash anatomy with diffuse axonal injury, or diffuse brain damage which is one of the most common types of traumatic brain injury.

It shows the mechanism of action from neck whiplash and diffuse axonal injury which is caused when the head is rapidly accelerated and severely decelerated, as may occur in auto accidents, falls and assaults. The exhibit also includes normal neuron anatomy for comparison versus 3 types of axonal injuries with descriptive anatomy and injury labels.