Stock Exhibits - For Personal Injury Cases from October 02 2017
Stock Exhibits for Personal Injury Cases from: are available for purchase online and immediate download or have trial-sized exhibits shipped right away to your office or home. Most exhibits ship out in 24 hours so it is never too late to be prepared for your next injury case.
Stock Exhibits are Clear, concise and medically accurate reusable trial exhibits that are created based on the most common injuries and postoperative conditions arising in personal injury cases. Stock exhibits can be ordered quickly and easily online from and downloaded instantly as a digital file or you can have color prints or large trial-sized exhibits printed and shipped right to your office or home.
When you need effective visual aids on a limited budget and you need them fast - you need stock trial exhibits. Visit our growing online store today or call us toll free for more information at: 1-877-789-4200 for any case specific medical exhibit requests.